Political Paws
Funny political paw shaped magnets.
My Dog Creates More Shovel Ready Jobs than the President - Paw Magnet
P112My Dog Creates More Shovel Ready Jobs than the President Paw Magnet
My Dog Humps For Trump - Paw Magnet Political Paw
PT1My Dog Humps For Trump Paw Shaped Magnet
My Dog Is Smarter Than The President - Paw Magnet
P032My Dog Is Smarter Than The President Paw Magnet
Pawlitically Incorrect Paw Magnet - Political Paw
PT2Pawlitically Incorrect Paw Shaped Magnet
Proud American Paw Magnet - Political Paw
NP1Proud American Paw Shaped Magnet
Warning Dog Bites Democrats - Paw Magnet
P068Warning Dog Bites Democrats Paw Magnet
Warning Dog Bites Republicans - Paw Magnet
P069Warning Dog Bites Republicans Paw Magnet